Tuesday, July 27, 2021

July 27, 2021


A power outage that lasts for several hours surely does throw a monkey wrench into the daily plans. Mink Creek community, and likely others, was off the grid on July 22. Rocky Mountain Power attributed the cause to be that of wildlife. Totally acceptable when one lives with wildlife 24/7. One just restructures the day, or night, whatever is the case and is grateful for the guys on the crews who remedy the problem.

The Peter Haws family were up from Solvang, CA for some not-so-cool days in Idaho. Hopefully these over-warm days did not ruin the reputation of summer days in Idaho with the guests that accompanied the family.

Laura Cheney and Cindy Hanson have had visitors on a pretty regular basis. Laura’s sister Wendy stops by and her sister-in-law, Kristy Cheney checked in one weekend. Cindy’s parents, Bob and Carla Hanson got acquainted with the Mink Creek life.

A source of some of the local smoky skies was a fire up Mill Canyon, in our Birch Creek area. There are lots of pine and maple up there and it is a dry year. The Franklin County Firefighters responded to the call and got it extinguished. This kind of year puts everyone on alert, or should.

The household of Bob and Claudia Erickson has been injected with activity for nearly a month running. Carla Nielsen of American Fork, UT, was the first to arrive. While she was pulling some yard weeds she discovered the hiding place of some orphaned kittens whose mother had been a traffic fatality a few days prior. Mothering the three-week-old felines was the perfect project for the next visitors, Drew Erickson and his children Spencer and Paige from Tempe, AZ. Baby cats and summer tasks made up their agenda. They were joined by Drew’s wife Hilary and another son, Conner, for a day or two. This group has been making an effort to escape the hot days of Arizona, only to find the days in Idaho warmer than anticipated. As the Ericksons made ready to depart, Kristin and Jay Collins and daughter Claire of Lakeview, OR, arrived. The chore list continued to be worked over, along with trips to favored places like the Preston Golf Course and Big J’s. Again with an overlapping departure/arrival date, Claudine and LaMar McKague and daughter Elsie came from Vancouver, WA. On a farm there is always work to be done, and fun was interspersed with work. Both the Collins and McKague families intend to spend their retirement years in Mink Creek and those plans are in the process of development.

On July 23rd the family of Naomi Wilde combined with the Mink Creek community to host a birthday party for Naomi, celebrating her 106 birthday. It was held in our favorite good weather gathering spot, our Ballpark.  Her birthday was June 6, but after 106 years no one minded that it was a bit off schedule.  Those attending enjoyed a breakfast/supper of scrambled eggs, sausage patties, bacon, pancakes, orange juice, with fresh raspberries and whipped cream on the side.  Her three sons, Ross, Van and Dean  were ready with memories and questions for their mother.  Naomi, with her usual spunk was ready with comebacks and memories in response.  It was a delightful evening and well attended.  If you read the Preston Citizen a lengthy article with more detail should be in this week's paper, along with a picture of Naomi.  

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

July 21, 2021


The young men of the community had the opportunity for a great High Adventure this summer. The group went to southern Utah, Zion’s National Park, camped out for four days. They enjoyed repelling, the slot canyons, water-play in the hot temperatures, being surrounded by such natural beauty, and being together. Those who attended were Hazen Baird, Jacob Stanworth, Jonny Seamons, Conner Iverson and Ty Jepsen with leaders Jesse Wilcox, Lin McKay, and Bishop Paul McKay. One description was that they had gone a thousand miles, to hike 25 miles and get 18 hours of sleep in the total of four days-- adding that it was pure fun.

Preston 1st Ward held their Girls’ Summer Camp this year at the Westerberg home farm on Station Creek, currently owned by Terry and Wendy Westerberg. It is a beautiful spot. Terry’s brother, Richard, is the Bishop of the Preston 1st ward.

Danalee and Gene Abernethy swung by for another visit with her parents, Bob and Claudia Erickson. This time they brought with them their son Daniel Abernethy and his fiance, Jane, who were in Utah for a brief stay from Weymouth, MA. This was Jane’s first visit to Mink Creek and she found it to her liking.

Under the direction of leaders Jody Rasmussen, Amy Baldwin, Lacey Christensen and Renae Egley, the Mink Creek Girls’ Camp did some traveling about this year. The young ladies having all this fun were Emma and Kate Rasmussen, Jyllian and Greenlee Christensen, and Samantha Petersen. They started with a hike up Squirrel Hollow which is up nearby Strawberry Canyon, then drove to Beaver Mountain Ski Resort where they set up their camp headquarters. After that bit of housekeeping they played games until ‘lights out.’ The next day was a trip to Bridgerland Adventure Park with a rope course, waterslide, and other offerings. They topped things off with milkshakes before heading back to the camp. That evening they hiked up Little Beaver ski run for some perfect moments of stargazing into a clear night sky. After breaking camp the next morning they took the east route home, going for a dip in Bear Lake at the water trampoline. Kerry Christensen and Trevor Rasmussen were their priesthood representatives.

The outdoor temperature hit 104 degrees this past week. Strong afternoon winds swept up the valley to go over our mountains and down to Bear Lake County on the other side. It is July and has us wondering what August of 2021 will be like. The temps have not discouraged the insect life, earwigs and wasps, hornets seem to be thriving. It is the humans and animals who get a bit wilty. There was a deer enjoying a patch of cool concrete in the shade the other day, a good choice for a nap.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

July 14, 2021


The Mink Creek Originals reunion was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended, around a hundred people. The event had been planned by Karen Olson Tribett a year ago, then canceled due to the COVID restrictions. Her ‘assistants’ were Mary Olson Carter, Nanct Olson Puente, Janet Olson Bergera, LaNae Larsen Orbin and Kathy Keller Hyde. The party took place at the Mink Creek Ballpark, rather than the customary potluck menu there was a bounteous sack lunch for purchase. The program rolled out as the eldest of each family there reported on the current situation for their extended families represented in the gathering, most of whom have long-time Mink Creek roots. About 30 ancestral families of the community reported. Next year’s gathering will be headed up by Katherine and Leon Noorda.

Claire Jepsen & Smith Larsen were married June 25 in the Ogden Temple, Ogden, UT. Claire is the daughter of Dr. Kerry and Melinda Jepsen. They held a reception at their home on Birch Creek Road that evening. It was planned for outdoors, but a wind and rainstorm blew in and forced the party to move indoors. Inconvenient, but with smiles, in the drought year we are so grateful for any moisture received.

The daughters of Kerry and Lacey Christensen are busy with summer rodeos. Jyllian is the Princess of the War bonnet Rodeo in Idaho Falls, Greenlee is part of the royalty for the Blackfoot Ranch Rodeo. It is good to have the rodeo season open again in this area.

Jeff Olson spent some time with his daughter, Leslie, and her family at their Bear Lake retreat. Cooler days were welcome.

Karl and Marion Haws of Santa Barbara, CA, have spent a month here at their home. Family visitors have been in and out during their stay. Kasey and Julie Haws were up first, to get things opened up and going. Adam and Camene Haws and their children from Solvang, CA, spent a few days reconnecting with the Idaho roots. Aaron and Heather Haws and children from Meridian drive over this direction fairly often.

The smoky heavens have thinned a bit, not gone yet.  It is wonderful to see clouds and blue sky still up there beyond the grey, smelly haze.  The sunsets are still streaked with that orange hue that goes with smoke on the horizon. The winds that have come through are hot, but helps to clear the air.  If you remember the David Kolstad family that lived in Mink Creek a few years ago, then purchased a farm in the Clearwater River area----their sons are fighting fires now within a few miles of their home.  We all need rain, for more reasons than the dry farmland.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

JULY 7, 2021

 This won't be the usual Mink Creek News, plus some additions.  The Preston Citizen did not put out a paper for this week with the 4th and all the stuff happening around our neck of the woods --some celebrating on the 3rd,  others on the 5th,  stores and govt. connected offices closed for the most part on the 5th.  I was so glad to see that Big J's in Preston was packed on that day, people inside and double lines of drive thru busy as usual--or more so. I had errands planned for the 5th----the bank, the post office--nothing doing in either one.  Made me want to just stay home and take a day-long nap, but there was too much to do. 

You better believe that our nearby Bear River had it's share of floaters for both the 3rd and the 5th.  The hot temperatures made any type of water play very attractive.  As far as I know there were no accidents.  Any hiking needed to be done in the wee hours of the morning or a person would melt with even the thought of hiking. 

Our Mink Creek Main street  was loaded over the 4 days with campers of one description or another going up the canyons, coming down the canyons.  Starting Thursday evening, then Friday, and Saturday.  By Sunday some had turned around and headed back home.  There couldn't have been an available slot left open for anyone who didn't plan early for this weekend campout.  Where we are just over the mountains from Bear Lake the highway gets its share of boats and jet skis on their way to the beautiful blue pond west of us.   It has been a few days of when our Highway has felt more like a Freeway, cross at your own risk. 

And no one is counting the motorcycles.  Hope you have all enjoyed  this weekend and had a few moments in the celebrating to reflecting on those who have sacrificed over the nearly 250 years of this struggling nation.  One of my ancestors was married on July 4, 1776, in Harford, Conn.  This always gives me reason to reflect on those times, and the times since.  Hope you have had some similar reflections. 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Oops, June 30 2021


Sherry and Ernie York are back on their Mink Creek mountainside. Glad to have them home, but I fear they will find this hot weather not much better than that of Arizona. Maybe with that perspective these hot days feel cool.

Karen and Layne Erickson were able to be with daughter Connie and Adam Westenskow when Adam was sustained to be the 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric of the 17th ward in Logan. Following that meeting the family went to Wellsville to share dinner at the home of their son Bishop Bryan and Shannon Erickson.

Lin and Sharla McKay and Kent and ReNae Egley managed to squeeze a weekend of leisure time to go to Jackson, WY, and listen to the Bar J Wranglers one more time before that group retires. A mountain ride in the wilds of nearby mountains wound up the summer break. One gets a beautiful view from those heights.

Nicholas Christensen, son of Kim and Wally Christensen, and Elizabeth Lasley were married on June 13. The wedding took place in Logan Canyon.

The family of Roxanna and Mack DeVries enjoyed some vacation time at Yellowstone National Park. Lots of things to see: geysers, buffalo, hot pots, waterfalls, great Yellowstone offerings filled their days.

Jonathan Seamons won first place in the Idaho State USA Wrestling, 170 pound, contest in Greco and Freestyle Wrestling last May. This qualified him to represent Idaho in the Nationals at Indianapolis, IN, this last month. Team Idaho did well and ranked 6th or 7th nationally. It was a duals tournament and Jonny was able to compete in several matches. He is the son of Jeff and Jennifer Seamons.

Fathers’ Day was recognized in the LDS Ward with messages and memories. Each father received a bag of treats—-popcorn of a variety of flavors. They could choose from caramel, white chocolate, muddy-buddy, some chewy, some crispy, some popcorn, some corn pops---all a yummy snack!

The children of Carl and Lenna Christensen gathered for a Family Reunion. Some of them live in Mink Creek: Eldon and Danita Wilcox, Forrest and Patti Christensen, Phillip Christensen, Brian Christensen. Others came from some distance: Brad and RaOna Stuart, Vachelle Higbee, Vance and Connie Christensen and many of the grandchildren and great grands.

Preparations for the 3rd --4th of July are well underway.  Volunteers make this happen and it has been a long standing tradition in this little village.  A great many improvements have taken place at the beautiful ballpark  that hosts this annual event.