Tuesday, July 25, 2023

July 26, 2023


It is July and that means that Hannah Costley Singleton and her sons, Gray and Samuel are here for their annual summer stay in Idaho. Wynn and Cecelie Costley are her parents and several of her siblings live within an hour or two of driving, or less, so a lot of reunion and cousin time takes place. It is a time of rejoicing.

The combined families of Jacob and Christy Cheney and Ken and Jean Ross have had extended family visitors this summer. Extra aunts, uncles and cousins have added to the fun of living in the country and experiencing country chores and surroundings not part of their daily more citified, routines.

Recently Jared Keller was released from his calling as the clerk for the Mink Creek Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Steve Baldwin will now be serving in that office with the Mink Creek Ward Bishopric.

The youth of the community enjoyed an evening of obstacles that was presented on a ninja course in the backyard of Kurt and Margret Iverson’s home. Various skills were needed for this activity and both strengths and weaknesses were explored. There were some aching muscles as a result but nothing serious. They also had some challenges with boxes and beams that took teamwork to solve within a limited time. Amazing what teamwork can accomplish! All of this provided learning experiences and building confidence.

Hats off to Elizabeth Greene! She has achieved a Masters Degree of Science in Curriculum and Instruction from the Western Governors University. This will only serve to make her an even better teacher for the youth of this area.

Joseph and Rebecca Jones came up from Herriman, UT, to spend some time with his aunt and uncle, Vicki and Richard Free at their ranch. Extra hands can lighten up the summer work load.

Our gardens are doing well, after having such a late start with the up and down spring. The hope now is that this growing can be maintained without the local deer gobbling produce up before it is ready to harvest. Their food of choice seems to be anything edible. Then add the winged creatures called grasshoppers. 

The grasshoppers are voracious. Beautiful landscaping is disappearing , one can almost hear the munch, munch as they crunch, crunch. They even find their way indoors, so a person doesn’t  dare stand chatting with a friend in an open doorway.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

July 18, 2023


ReNae Egley has returned from a trip to the Orient—Japan, to be more exact—with her friends Jill Baird Hobbs and Lelan Daines. They saw so many beautiful things along with having more of those “once in a lifetime” items. To name a few: cruise on a lake, with a ride on a gondola to an active volcano, rice paddies and beautiful Japanese gardens everywhere one looked, an ancient 16th Century building, riding in a bullet train, wearing kimonos, Tokyo, Koyoto, new and different food offerings. She has commented it was good to find a pizza place every so often. Home, safe and sound, and more than welcomed home from this adventure.

Jay and Kristin Collins have made their long anticipated move to Mink Creek. They purchased land here several years ago and will now begin construction on a home. They come from Lakeview, OR. Kristin is the daughter of Bob and Claudia Erickson and is pleased to be able to be “back home.”

July and Mink Creek go together as a summer vacation destination for many families. Jeff and Jennifer Seamons, plus Jon and Jacob, and older siblings came down from Caldwell, ID, spending time with grandparents, Cathy and Scott Seamons and Kathy and Joe Jarvis. Peter and Gretchen Haws and family escaped the warmth of Solvang, CA for more than a week to soak up some Idaho time. David and Melanie Law are in and out of their place on the shores of Mink Creek and Julie and Jeff Workman spend as much time as possible here, with employment still calling them to Utah.

St. George claims Jim and Debbie Harrison and Sam and Sylvia Stanger during the winter months, but home is really in Mink Creek. The Harrison’s place received much damage from the snow slides and their repair work is ongoing.  The Stangers hop right in to civic activities when they are here.

The afternoon rainstorms have played havoc with the first hay crop. The lightning streaks have put on a nature fireworks show to match the rolling thunder as it echoes off the mountainsides. South Canyon is a perfect backdrop.

An afternoon storm blew through Mink Creek with force today. That wind was forceful, but didn’t push any cooling air ahead of the few drops of rain. It rattled everything in its path. I hope no trees lost their branches or were tipped over during the intensity.

A much anticipated driller of water wells arrived in Mink Creek. There are several families hoping to be on his list of accomplishments in the near future.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July 11, 2023


The barn swallows have returned in force. They are looking for insects with much swooping about. They are also packing mud and straw for nest building to anyplace that looks like it might adhere, often right above an entryway, which threatens the comfort and cleanliness for anyone who might approach a home.

Clifford and LaDawn Jensen just celebrated their Golden Anniversary, 50 years. All of their children came home to celebrate with them. Mercedes Mackelprang and her daughter Rachel of Statesborough, GA, Kristine and John Gore from Vienna, VA, and Jeremy and Heidi Jensen and their children of Preston. Extended family gathered in Mink Creek for lots of catching up on July 3rd. The together time extended into the July 4th activities at Mink Creek’s ballpark for even more fun.

Mink Creek’s July 4th Celebration was a day for memories. With our huge national flag flying on the eastern side, our ballpark filled early with families coming to claim a spot that was in the shade as their headquarters for the day, with tables, pop up shelters, chairs, blankets. The airplane candy drop delivered several times with a group of children zigzagging from one drop off rto the next gathering the sweets. This activity is always a highlight for the day. Other activities were an ongoing Ultimate Frisbee under Conner Iverson’s direction, a popup Obstacle course with double slides, face painting, and a coin hunt in a small mountain of sawdust.

Jesse Wilcox was in charge of the patriotic program. Kurt Iverson was the master of ceremonies and the national anthem was sung by Ty Jepsen, Wally Christensen, Kerry Jepsen, Eldon Wilcox, LaMar McKague, and Mike Jepsen. They did well and set the stage for three speakers of patriotic thoughts: Warren Wilde, Clare Christensen and Mike Jepsen.

Many volunteers lighten the load and preparing food for around 350 people is no small task. Just preparing lemonade and homemade rootbeer is a bit daunting. Those in charge were: Clare Christensen, meat; Relief Society, tossed salad; Jody Rasmussen, baked beans; Jan and Necia Seamons, Dutch oven potatoes; Kim Christensen, rolls; Cecelie Costley, the gigantic cake. Just prior to being dismissed for the meal, Bishop Paul McKay reminded us of a past resident, Hugh Hansen, then a Marine in World War II, located just off of Iwo Jima, eating a basic diet of sardines for two months. It left a worthy image of gratitude for our free land of today.

For a time it felt like the melt-off of the winter’s snow would continue all summer long. It has backed off and streams are more normal. We’ve been getting frequent afternoon rain showers, nothing that lasts very long, but enough to be discouraging for those who are trying to harvest a hay crop and get it moved into a stack or barn, all the while with the next crop growing around the drying windrows.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 5, 2023

  I will save the report on the community's July 4th for next week and the newspaper, but rest assured the event took place and was well attended.  You were missed.

The lush green scenery of Mink Creek has been attracting visitors. Larry and Lillian Hansen had quite a group of family about their place. Peyton and Judith Newby and their children were up from Utah to spend some time with his parents, Sharla and Lin McKay. This is perfect weather for outdoor fun, not too hot and, if chilly, an easy fix with a jacket. Jeff and Barbara Olson enjoyed a visit from his daughter, Liz. LaMar McKague’s cousin Richard White, his wife Leigha, and their three girls drove up from Hobble Creek, UT, to check on the progress of the McKague house construction.

The Young Women’s group spent a fun evening holding a “Sing-along” at the Heritage Home Legacy First Branch. The girls, their leaders, and the residents enjoyed recalling old songs from the past that stirred memories for the residents. They shared songs from John Denver to “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and even “Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree.”

With warm weather and school out it is 4-H time in our community. Several of youth have been attending the 4-H Horse Camp held recently on the Franklin County Fairgrounds. This was a three-day camp and their reports are that the activities increased their confidence as well as their knowledge of handling horses. Our Allie Ostler belongs to a club in Fairview, led by Erin Seamons. Lacey Christensen is Mink Creek’s club leader and those attending from this club were Jyllian Christensen, Greenlee Christensen, Kassidy Christensen, Jancy Henderson and Lilly Nicholls. This is a great time for youth to get training and instruction if they love horses.

Jyllian and Greenlee had to leave the Camp early in order to participate in the Bear Lake Rodeo Royalty competition in Montpelier. They did well. Jyllian was awarded the Rodeo Queen and Greenlee won the Teen Queen and had plus points that earned her a new saddle. Congratulations to these equestrian ladies!

These beautiful days make for mirror reflections in windows that our flying feathered friends often mistake for wide open spaces. The creatures fly into a pane of glass and are lucky if they just get a good bump and nothing broken---the window or the bird.

We continue to get hit by a rain shower now and again. Usually they are brief, but with such intensity that it may be mistaken for a hail storm. Of course, we have residents who are dealing with the harvest of their hay crop.

There is a home in Mink Creek, soon to be on the market. It is the Reed Swann home and they are getting ready for a move to be closer to his son Charles. There is also a home for rent, it now belongs to Jeff and Jennifer Seamons who live in Caldwell. Formerly it was the home of Basil and Mollie Crane.