Tuesday, July 18, 2023

July 18, 2023


ReNae Egley has returned from a trip to the Orient—Japan, to be more exact—with her friends Jill Baird Hobbs and Lelan Daines. They saw so many beautiful things along with having more of those “once in a lifetime” items. To name a few: cruise on a lake, with a ride on a gondola to an active volcano, rice paddies and beautiful Japanese gardens everywhere one looked, an ancient 16th Century building, riding in a bullet train, wearing kimonos, Tokyo, Koyoto, new and different food offerings. She has commented it was good to find a pizza place every so often. Home, safe and sound, and more than welcomed home from this adventure.

Jay and Kristin Collins have made their long anticipated move to Mink Creek. They purchased land here several years ago and will now begin construction on a home. They come from Lakeview, OR. Kristin is the daughter of Bob and Claudia Erickson and is pleased to be able to be “back home.”

July and Mink Creek go together as a summer vacation destination for many families. Jeff and Jennifer Seamons, plus Jon and Jacob, and older siblings came down from Caldwell, ID, spending time with grandparents, Cathy and Scott Seamons and Kathy and Joe Jarvis. Peter and Gretchen Haws and family escaped the warmth of Solvang, CA for more than a week to soak up some Idaho time. David and Melanie Law are in and out of their place on the shores of Mink Creek and Julie and Jeff Workman spend as much time as possible here, with employment still calling them to Utah.

St. George claims Jim and Debbie Harrison and Sam and Sylvia Stanger during the winter months, but home is really in Mink Creek. The Harrison’s place received much damage from the snow slides and their repair work is ongoing.  The Stangers hop right in to civic activities when they are here.

The afternoon rainstorms have played havoc with the first hay crop. The lightning streaks have put on a nature fireworks show to match the rolling thunder as it echoes off the mountainsides. South Canyon is a perfect backdrop.

An afternoon storm blew through Mink Creek with force today. That wind was forceful, but didn’t push any cooling air ahead of the few drops of rain. It rattled everything in its path. I hope no trees lost their branches or were tipped over during the intensity.

A much anticipated driller of water wells arrived in Mink Creek. There are several families hoping to be on his list of accomplishments in the near future.

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