Tuesday, July 25, 2023

July 26, 2023


It is July and that means that Hannah Costley Singleton and her sons, Gray and Samuel are here for their annual summer stay in Idaho. Wynn and Cecelie Costley are her parents and several of her siblings live within an hour or two of driving, or less, so a lot of reunion and cousin time takes place. It is a time of rejoicing.

The combined families of Jacob and Christy Cheney and Ken and Jean Ross have had extended family visitors this summer. Extra aunts, uncles and cousins have added to the fun of living in the country and experiencing country chores and surroundings not part of their daily more citified, routines.

Recently Jared Keller was released from his calling as the clerk for the Mink Creek Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Steve Baldwin will now be serving in that office with the Mink Creek Ward Bishopric.

The youth of the community enjoyed an evening of obstacles that was presented on a ninja course in the backyard of Kurt and Margret Iverson’s home. Various skills were needed for this activity and both strengths and weaknesses were explored. There were some aching muscles as a result but nothing serious. They also had some challenges with boxes and beams that took teamwork to solve within a limited time. Amazing what teamwork can accomplish! All of this provided learning experiences and building confidence.

Hats off to Elizabeth Greene! She has achieved a Masters Degree of Science in Curriculum and Instruction from the Western Governors University. This will only serve to make her an even better teacher for the youth of this area.

Joseph and Rebecca Jones came up from Herriman, UT, to spend some time with his aunt and uncle, Vicki and Richard Free at their ranch. Extra hands can lighten up the summer work load.

Our gardens are doing well, after having such a late start with the up and down spring. The hope now is that this growing can be maintained without the local deer gobbling produce up before it is ready to harvest. Their food of choice seems to be anything edible. Then add the winged creatures called grasshoppers. 

The grasshoppers are voracious. Beautiful landscaping is disappearing , one can almost hear the munch, munch as they crunch, crunch. They even find their way indoors, so a person doesn’t  dare stand chatting with a friend in an open doorway.

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