Monday, November 25, 2024

Pre-Thanksgiving, November 25, 2024

  I hear lots of plans for the coming holiday, some very elaborate and extensive, others simplicity plus. No matter which the theme of feeling gratitude is the root of it all.  Blessings unmeasured.

Family and friends of Jonathan Seamons gathered to hear him speak at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prior to his serving in the Brazil, Manaus, North Mission. He is the son of Jeff and Jennifer Seamons of Caldwell, ID, and has been living in Mink Creek this past summer. He will be speaking Portuguese during his mission and will enter the Missionary Training Center in Brazil. Four of the Seamons brothers, Samuel, Joseph, David and Jonathan, affectionately called the Seamons Strings in our community, played a musical number during the program.

Richard and Carol Wall have been up from Utah to winterize their home on the banks of Bear Creek. Doug and Kathy Wilcox are still making frequent visits. Jim and Debbie Harrison have been with us most of the summer, but the temperatures of their home in St. George are calling them southward.

The snow came down thick and heavy and laid in several inches of white. Although it warmed up some the countryside has retained the look of winter. State snowplows are out and up early making round trips. Reported this same day was the temporary closure of the canyon highway due to an accident of a semi-truck on the Bear Lake side of the canyon. It took some time for clean up to allow traffic.

The tradition of many families, that of going to the forests to pick out and harvest their very own Christmas tree is well underway. Cars, trailers, pickups keep Highway 36 a busy thoroughfare with the coming and going. Most have their trees securely loaded on their return trip, but occasionally one will go rolling into the barrow pit when a departure has been too hasty.

I don't know if it is the shifting of the weather or if there is an explanation, but we seem to be having an increase of wildlife being hit on the highway during the night time hours. It is a rare thing to drive down the valley in the mornings without seeing signs of carnage on the pavement. It doesn't wash away easily even with the rain so it is always a stark reminder.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

November 19, 2024


The October meeting of the Syringa Camp of the DUP was hosted by Lorraine Christensen and Mary Jean Rasmussen. The ladies met at the church in Mink Creek for a nice afternoon, learning about ancestors and pioneers. November’s camp was held in Preston at the home of Virginia Flippence. Twelve members were able to attend. Virginia and Mary Ann Jepsen served the camp members a delicious old-fashioned set jelled salad with homemade rolls. Lorraine Christensen presented this month’s lesson. Virginia shared a history of one of her ancestors. The camp had a visitor this month from the Company Board, Beverly Morris.

California visitors Kasey and Julia Haws are always welcome, we think of them as half-residents. This trip was their coming up to prepare the Haws House for the coming winter, with visitors or without. Winter always takes some extra effort.

We are happy to recognize that Chet Jensen has moved back to Mink Creek. He is the adult son of Kalee Bair and the late Shawn Jensen, has grown up in these mountains . He is living in the former Merlin McKay home on Bear Creek.

During a recent Sunday meeting there was a reorganization of the Mink Creek Ward Elders Quorum Presidency. Bret Rasmussen will remain the President. The following were released: Wynn Costley as the 1st Counselor, Jesse Wilcox, the 2nd Counselor and Jeff E. Olson , the secretary. Accepting callings to these positions were Kerry Christensen as 1st Counselor, Per Danfors as 2nd Counselor and Danny Christensen, as secretary. Kerry Christensen was released as the Financial Clerk of the Mink Creek Ward and Miles Erickson was sustained to that calling. In the same meeting Barbara Olson was released as the Young Women’s secretary and Kalee Bair was sustained the new secretary.

Wildlife in Mink Creek is still very active. Deer, pheasant, turkeys. Sighting of moose in the canyons. The few snow storms we have had are already attracting the snowmobile crowd.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

November 12, 2024

  I hope you have thought about Veterans' Day, or Armistice Day, its original name.  Just considering how the whole world thought of that day in 1918, the signing of the treaty of the Germans, to be the end of war,  with no idea how many more small and great  conflicts would still be in the future.  It is a day worth remembering, and considering what we can do to be more peaceful in an individual way.  There are no 'small conflicts' to those involved.

The community had a fun Trunk n’ Treat on Halloween night, held at the recreation hall of the LDS Church. The event had been planned as an outdoor party with a bonfire, but the weather turned too cold and wet. There were lots of costumes, lots of candy, good visiting and games. There were doughnuts and hot chocolate for one and all.

The first day of snow didn’t send more than a skiff, and just rained at our lower levels, October 29. Cold, windy, wet. Not sure that it should be designated as the First day of the season Our canyons were all sparkling and pretty, and made for dangerous driving. More snow has arrived since then with greater staying power. The tops of the mountains have retained their whiteness however and it always serves as a measurement of the progress of the seasons.

Reed Swann and his daughter Penny are home from visiting with Charley and Sarah Swann and children in Donnelly, ID. They had arranged to be there for the special occasion of Reed’s granddaughter, Gwen, being baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Election Day was cold and clear and the polls were open from 8 to 8. According to the election board of this year there was a good turnout and they kept busy during the whole shift. Those serving this year were Danita Wilcox, Lana McCracken, Lorraine Christensen and Vickie Free.

The family of Robert and Phee Crosland gathered at their place on Birch Creek to have an early Thanksgiving holiday, scheduling it when the largest majority of their scattered children could attend. Of course the cousin time is always priceless for the younger set and the siblings never run out of memories and projects. A relatively new item for this gathering was the bell tower built into the Crosland home that rings out joyous music for the surrounding area.

If the green summer growth wasn’t frozen earlier now it has been in the last few nights. For our farmers the fall plowing has been on the list of chores.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

November 6, 2024


Kurt Iverson of the Mink Creek Ward has been called to serve as the Stake Clerk for the Preston East Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Trevor Rasmussen will continue serving as a Stake Media Specialist for the new stake.

Brigham Wilcox and his family came down from Idaho Falls for a weekend with his parents, Danita and Eldon Wilcox. A couple of days in the country is always nice.

The youth of the community gathered at the church gymnasium to enjoy a broadcast entitled, Celebration of Light. The Young Women supplied various candies and snacks while the Young Men provided drinks: chocolate milk, makings for lime rickeys and a blue lemonade. It made for a variety of choices.

Annie Christensen, daughter of Casey and Dan Christensen, married Mac Lowe on October 16 in the Logan LDS Temple. They celebrated this event with a reception that evening in Garland, UT, sharing joy with friends and relatives.

Jasmine and Miles Erickson have welcomed their third child. This tiny boy was born October 21st, and has two ‘big’ sisters that will have the fun and challenges of a new baby in their family.

The Primary organization of the Mink Creek Ward put on their annual program. This one portrayed the various things they have learned about the Book of Mormon during their year’s activities and studies. It was a combination of short thoughts from the children and the Primary choir singing children’s songs. All was done by the children with the direction of chorister Terrie McKay and pianist ReNae Egley. Add to this the smiles and waves to the congregation and it was a delightful Sunday morning.

With temperatures dipping down and winds picking up, the leaves are starting to fall off the trees and cover the earth. In areas where there is no irrigation the leaves underfoot are crisp and crunchy, making silent approaches for deer hunters nearly impossible. Snow is just beginning in our mountaintops.

Jay and Kristin Collins have completed construction of their new Mink Creek home and moved in. For the past year, plus a bit, they have been renting the Merlin McKay house on Bear Creek while the new house has taken shape.