Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 17, 2013

The annual greening has begun.  In spite of a spring blizzard that hit with gusto, Mink Creek is starting to turn green.  The snow melted in a couple of days and served to water the length and breadth of the community.  Recent rains have been here and there, but the snow enveloped all.  Flowers from bulb planting are promising.  Little purple violets are scattered throughout the grasses.
            Austin and Katy Keller were up for a weekend, visiting with his parents, Kim and Dianna Keller.  Austin and Katy and their two children live in Franklin.
Lacey and Kerry Christensen and their three girls had a fun, warm vacation when they visited Matt Hutchinson and his family in Granite Bay, CA.  Matt became a self-appointed tour guide for exploring San Francisco.  He works as a fireman and so has a good background for such a trip.  The trolley was down and so the family got a good workout climbing hills, totally packing their little Kassidy the entire outing.  They loved their visit to the fireboat.  The good weather held while they were there, a real plus.
Eldon and Danita Wilcox have returned from a cruise taken with their daughter Lesli and David Evans.  The group drove from the Evans home in Texas to New Orleans, the port of the launch.  They went to Costa Maya, Mexico, taking a long river ride with the possibility of seeing crocodiles.  The country of Belive was a fun spot.  The residents there speak English since the country was originally a British colony, British Honduras.  A high point was touring the Lamanai Ruins. At Roatan, Honsuras the Wilcox duo had fun with a zipline above a jungle and some time at a beautiful beach.  The top prizes of their shopping on the trip were a bowl for Danita and a floating pumice stone for Eldon.  Stories go along with these purchases.

            This has been mentioned before but is worthy of an update.  MaKenzie Gunter, daughter of the Wilcox family, continues to do well in collegiate track meets.  She performs for Idaho State University.
Snow flurries, a little rain, a few glimpses of sunshine.   That describes how it has been this past week.  Sometimes that sunshine is only if you look to the sky, there is a glow in the clouds. The snowline is marching up and down, and up, the mountainsides.
            There has been some burning of the dry weeds along the roadsides. Only one brought the county fire department out when a tree in the middles of the weedy growth sent up some large flames.

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