Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 19, 2013

Two young moose put in an appearance recently as they gamboled across the highway.  The deer are still roaming the neighborhoods, similar to winter months, but their coloring is a beautiful shade of tan, a new spring wardrobe.  There are a flock of turkey buzzards that roost nearby.  They may not be the most attractive bird, but watching them soaring on the updrafts of air can be a mesmerizing occupation.
Mike and Mary Ann Jepsen have been soaking up some California sun with the family of their daughter Annie and Steve  Earl and their children.  They live in the San Jose area so there are lots of fun activities from which to chose.   The Jepsens attended recitals for the grandchildren and put in some babysitting time while Annie and Steve got a break.
Mary Ann arrived home to find that she had been released from her calling as the Relief Society President of the Preston Idaho North Stake of the LDS Church. This was officially announced in the Stake Conference held recently.  She has been serving in this position for five years and is now anticipating getting reacquainted with her own ward members.
The yellow and copper rose bushes have added so much color to the countryside this year.  Every bush is so full of blooms and vibrant.  The lilacs are winding up their lovely spring display, but this year has been good for them, in all shades.  They will be missed as we had into hot, more discouraging temperatures.
The Olson sisters, daughters of John and Edith Olson, have been in Mink Creek, visiting their old stomping grounds. They soaked up the scenery, the clouds above, and just some time together, remembering. Their headquarters at this time of their lives seems to center around Payson, UT.

Those who raise hay are into their first harvest.  Swathers, rakes and balers are in motion up and down the valley.  So far we have escaped any rain storms.  There has been some fierce wind sessions, but for the most part that has been manageable.
The family of John and Sandi Cude has moved from our community and are now living across the border in Utah.  We are glad that isn’t too far away.

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