Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Last post for May, 2015

         If you ever attended a Mink Creek School, either the yellow brick, or the red brick, you are invited to attend Mink Creek School Reunion coming up on June 13th. To qualify for this event it is not necessary that you have graduated from either institute of learning, only that you attended.The list of names provided for those in charge has not been kept up to date and this is a reminder for all who might be interested.  The reunion starts at noon and includes a potluck lunch, lots of visiting and shared memories. If you have memorabilia from your years of residency feel free to bring it, it may stir memories for someone else.
          With the coming of spring Sylvia and Sam Stanger have returned to our community. They are moving forward with their restoring of the old yellow brick schoolhouse just northeast of the creek connection of Strawberry Creek and Mink Creek.
           The Father and Son Campout endured a night of rain. But a little water, or a big bit, didn't wipe out the planned event, there was a fair turnout in spite of the damp. Some slept in tents, others in campers. The evening meal was Navaho tacos and a breakfast of eggs, sausage and pancakes was welcome come morning. Due to the consistent rain the ATV ride was canceled, mud is a challenge not needed for a large group of riders of various ages.  Making mud pies was not on the list of suggested activities.
         Jimmie and Anna Beth Olson have returned from a road trip. They enjoyed the redwood forests of northern California and the beautiful scenery around Highway 101. After a stay at Coos Bay on the Oregon Coast they meandered over to the Boise area for a visit with daughter Dana and Charlie Peterson and their children before heading home across Idaho.
           Payton and Judith Newby and family were visiting with his parents, Sharla and Lin McKay. Danny and Nicky Coleman and their two little girls had a weekend with his parents, Tammy and Nelson Coleman. Tammy parents, Ray and Ila Rae Vanvleet of Grace, ID, drove over as well.

          It has been a wet Memorial Day weekend, but that hasn't stopped families from coming to the Mink Creek Cemetery. There was even a Scottish piper playing the pipes for a few moments in remembrance of the family's Scottish roots. This community was founded by Scandinavians, and much of the headstones bear that out, but it has also been a place of welcome to others.
           Our lilacs are in full bloom, all colors, mixing in with the many yellow and golden wild flowers that fill the hillsides. Don't discount the smiling dandelions. Things are so full of color in this damp spring against a background of varied greens. All visitors have been proclaiming, “it is soooo green.”  Come see us, you will feel transported to foreign shores.

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