Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 23, 2016

            Eldon and Danita Wilcox are soon bound for the Philippines, Quezon City, where they will be serving a mission for the LDS Church. They will spend some time at the Mission Training Center in Provo before departure. All of their children and grandchildren have been here to soak up some family time. Elise and Jeff Hardy and their children live in North Ogden. Ami and Tom Fenton and family are in Tooele, UT. Lesli and David Evans brought their children from Savannah,TX. Brigham and Jennifer Wilcox and children are now in Idaho Falls, ID. Brittany Durrant and her girls came up from Bountiful, UT. MaKenzie and Tyson Gunter recently moved to Spanish Fork, UT, where MaKenzie will begin her first year of teaching in the elementary schools and coach volleyball.. Jesse and Annavelyn Wilcox are here in Mink Creek.
            Sandy Wylie has friends from the days she spent driving cattle truck visiting her this summer.  Lori Muldner, aka Strawberry, is a transplant from Glendale, AZ. She and Sandy have been friends a long time and are enjoying the reunion to share the past and plan the future.
            Ramona and Jerry Hatchett managed to fit in an Alaskan vacation during our hottest weather. They stayed at the Boardwalk Lodge amidst beautiful mountain scenery and were able to visit an island village and learn of the totem poles there. The Hatchetts came home with pounds and pounds of the pink and grey salmon they had caught. They timed this getaway perfectly before Jerry was due for some surgery on his back when they got back home.
           Matthew Westerberg, son of Terry and Wendy Westerberg, was welcomed home with open arms after time well spent in a Peace Corp assignment in Ethiopia. He has been reporting his activities for the Preston Citizen. Matt's current plans include returning to the University of Wyoming in Laramie to continue his education.
            The Cub Scouts and their leaders, Elaine Larsen , Phee Crosland, Layne and Karen Erickson and Lana and Ivan McCracken spent an evening riding the Bear River. Family members who tagged along in tubes were welcome. The group was in a large rubber raft, guided and provided by Cubmaster Sharla McKay and her husband Lin McKay.
            Skunks and raccoons are raiding our gardens. They favor corn, fresh and young. The skunks are causing moments of panic for our early morning walkers Perhaps the skunk is returning home from their night of raiding and it corresponds to the cooler temps desirable for a morning stroll..

            The county fair is over, along with the pressure and the fun that go with it. Some of the projects from Mink Creek residents have been brought home, others are awaiting being entered in the Eastern Idaho State Fair that comes up in September
             Tomorrow signals the end of summer, the kids go back to school and the two yellow buses that pick up Mink Creek youth will be making their rounds.  Families will be getting back into the routine and the scheduling that goes with school activities. We have a few families that homeschool but most attend school in Preston.

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