Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A month for extra Thanksgiving

            A strong south wind swept up our little valley the last Sunday of October and did a dandy job of redistributing the leaves that had already fallen and ripped many more leaves off to add to the piles. Many of our trees now stand naked and shivering as the temperatures drop, bit by bit.
           Warren Wilde, Layne Erickson, and Lin and Sharla McKay drove up to Lewiston, ID to attend a Snowmobile Convention with lots of plans for the coming winter months. River McKay, daughter of Lin and Sharla, joined them where she received a scholarship award from the Snowmobile Association that will assist in her college finances this year,
          The Mink Creek Community Halloween Party took a different twist this year. It was held at the Mink Creek Ballpark, costumes were many and varied. Those attending were encouraged to bring their best carved pumpkin and enter it in a contest. We had a chili cook-off, and those wanting a different brew brought soups. There were sooo many varieties to choose from that it made the potluck supper a tasting experience, a little of this one, a little of that. Prizes were awarded for costumes and the soups. With a fire going in our firepit and some space heaters on the other end of the pavilion the chilly air was kept at bay. The evening finished with all youngsters heading to the parking lot for the Trunk-r- Treat, loading their containers with candy. The event was organized by Melinda Jepsen and Lacey Christensen and they enlisted friends and neighbors to round out the production crew. Many thanks for those who helped make it a fun night.
          The weather of the past month has brought quite a bit of moisture. Our parched earth has welcomed every drop and judging from the results of plowed fields the soaking has gone straight down.
           The fall plowing is done and the fields lay ready for a winter's sleep, hopefully under a nice blanket of white snow.

          I hope you are aware that the Chicago Cubs won the baseball World Series this year. At our house it was a big deal, our son-in-law growing up not far from Chicago.I love the song "Go Cubs, Go," especially if it is performed by my grandchildren. 
          Visitors to our community have lessened with the coming of the school year. However, judging from comments I get around town, you readers are at least just as interested in the surroundings as you are the people. While I was raking those many leaves that the wind removed from our trees I heard a honking racket overhead. Looking up there were two flocks of geese, in V formation, headed south. At first they were separate, a V apiece, but as they made a wide turn they closed and the Vs interlocked to form a W. With the blue fall sky as a background it was a sight to stir the heart, and the audible honking added to the moment. Feeling of gratitude for the many natural beauties that are part of this spot on the earth.

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