Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July 19, 2017

           Ron and Mary Norris to Manila, UT, to watch grandchildren compete in rodeo events Events are open to kids from Utah and Wyoming from preschoolers to high school graduates. They particularly enjoyed Ranch Rodeo and being in the cooler daytime temperatures compared to what we are now experiencing.
           Sam and Sylvia Stanger are home for a few weeks' break from their missionary labors in Florida. It must be time for a dance at the Yellow Brick Schoolhouse.
           Leon and Katherine Noorda are here for a month's worth of visiting and family fun. Their daughter Brooke came early to pave the way at the Keller apartment.
           The Mink Creek Ward recently had two young men baptized and confirmed members of the LDS Church. They are Devlyn Nathaniel Currie and Larien Samuel Currie, sons of Wendy and Clayton Currie.
           Ben Keller is now employed at the Camp Bartlett for the Boy Scouts as a Ranger. His wife Marie grins when she calls him the chief fix-it man, but those skills are always needed.
            We have had a lightning-caused fire in the valley. Luckily it was small and quickly contained. It serves as an alert to the dangers of this dry season, particularly the dry weeds and undergrowth near any of our buildings.
             The children of Moss and Carmen Lewis and their grandchildren, great-grands and great-great -grands had a fun family reunion at the Mink Creek Ballpark. This includes families of Colleen & Warren Wilde of Mink Creek, Beth and Bud Alford of Idaho Falls, Lynne and Steve Cherrington of Santaquin, UT, Bob and Renae Lewis of Denver, CO, Benson and Julie Lewis of Sandy, UT, and the descendants of Ann Lewis Stephenson from California and Arizona. All totaled there were around 103 participants in this gathering
            Our July 4th celebration was terrific, even if it did take place on a Tuesday. Around 400 people attended on the warm day with families claiming shady spots all over the area. Kim Rasmussen and Forrest Christensen headed up the committee preparing the Dutch-oven potatoes, with lots of help from a small army of potato peeling volunteers. Clare & Linda Christensen, with help from Ross and Judy Young, were in charge of the meat on the menu which turned out to be sausages with sauerkraut and grilled chicken. Tossed salad and baked beans were provided by various ladies of the village. Colleen Carter produced a beautiful chocolate cake in the form of the American flag for dessert. Many hands help lighten the load when it comes to this meal preparation. Thanks to all.
            The program started off with the posting of the colors by our veterans, led by Glen Jepsen. A vocal rendition of the” Star Spangled Banner” was rendered by “the Jepsen Girls.” Jimmie Olson shared some patriotic remarks and Jennifer Seamons sang “America the Beautiful.” Activities that went on during the day were softball,volleyball, bottle rockets, an airplane candy drop, poison ball, painted faces, giant bubbles, paintball target practice, win-a-fish and of course, the ever favorite water slide.

              Most afternoons some storm clouds gather on the western horizon, things darken down a bit, they shift to the north and pass us by. All well and good when the hay is down in windrows, but some moisture would also be welcome. Things are pretty dry outside of where the irrigation covers the growing green.
             In the earlier writing I mentioned a lightning fire. In my perusal of the newspaper archives today there was a report of a lightning fire in Mink Creek twenty five years ago, August of 1992, just a little further down the slope from the one most recent. The old one ignited a solitary tree, which in turn burned a small stack of hay. Don't think that would be a good spot to build a home.

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