Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Boxing Day, Mink Creek, 2017

           Time to take a big breath, it is December 26. Perhaps that is how the Briisht holiday of Boxing Day came into being.I talked my husband into exchanging one of the gifts I gave him.  Felt it was my duty on Boxing Day, my grandmother would be proud.  Even put a few gifts away.
          The FedEx delivery vans and the UPS trucks, along with the daily mailmen/women, are busy outfits this time of year. They are getting a bit ahead of Santa, and rightfully so, since his delivery day is still a few days hence and he is rather dependent on their efficiency.
           Jackie and Wayne Olsen combined with their daughter, Donnell Owen, to perform a beautiful accappella trio for the LDS Ward. Their selection was “Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains.”
          Kelton and Denise Keller and their daughter Mauri, were in Mink Creek for a weekend. They live in Alpine, UT, and travel this way often to spend time with Kelton's dad, Vernon Keller.
          Nancy and Kevin Alder put in an appearance at their Mink Creek digs. They travel considerably and split time between adventures, Utah, and Idaho.
           Josh and Lizzy Greene and their boys, Bently and Oaklan, took a break from their new location in North Dakota for a visit back in the old stomping grounds. Josh's parents are Chad and Dawnell Greene of Mink Creek. Lizzy's parents are Thelma and Ron Womack of Franklin, ID.
             Peter and Gretchen Haws and some of their family came up from the fires and smoke in southern California for a breath of clean Mink Creek air. Several of the Peter's family, parents and siblings, who spend considerable time in Mink Creek have homes in and around Santa Barbara and as a community we have been concerned as to their welfare. This family has been connected to Mink Creek for over fifty years.
             Anyone need a turkey, or perhaps a hundred of them? Or more? Between Mink Creek and Riverdale there are huge flocks feeding in empty fields. We are glad they take to the trees to roost at night, reducing the chance of crashing into one in the darkness. During daylight hours they parade about at will, drivers beware, as the big birds choose to cross the highway whenever the notion strikes them.
            We have had a White Christmas. The first storm brought in about six inches, the persistent one on Christmas even delivered around another six. A good start for the winter season. Winter sports enthusiasts are smiling this week!
            Ross Wilde checked out the winter fishing conditions around the Blackfoot Reservoir and then toured the Chesterfield area. This man loves to fish, weather is no barrier.

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