Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November 21, 2023


The Relief Society of the Mink Creek Ward enjoyed a yummy activity, very befitting for the month of November. It was that of making pies, lots of different pies, crusts, etc. Kathy Barber gave a demonstration on the art of baking pies, the melt in your mouth variety. A variety of cream pies, fruit pies, pumpkin pie. There were samples to go with the instruction and our Thanksgiving tables should benefit from this fun affair.

For the month of November the Mink Creek Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been assigned to assist in Preston at the Legacy 3 Branch, part of the Heritage Homes.

Mike and Anna Olson and some of their family of Brigham City, UT and CJ Peterson of Meridian, ID, spent a weekend in Station Creek on the Olson farm. Mike is the son of Jimmie and Anna Beth Olson. CJ is a grandson, belonging to Dana and Charles Peterson.

It is a time for winter preparations and service projects are often part of the agenda. A group of men from the community got together to help Sue and Wendy Hawkes clear out a garage and a shed to accommodate some better storage for the coming months. Both the Hawkes sisters and the animals they care for will benefit from these work hours given.

Rita Warburton Cargill has been back at the Warburton/Jepsen home place for several weeks. She and her husband Richard have plans to move from their current place in California back to Idaho to enjoy retirement. An extra plus to this arrangement is that of being closer to family.

The COVID bug it making itself known among our residents, sorry to say. More visible bugs are very active now as well: box elder bugs, crickets, etc., all seeking warmer quarters as they anticipate the coming season, much as we humans are.

Woke up to being snow-covered and that silence it brings the other morning. Beautiful , but it disappeared as the day warmed. It jogged memories of how white this country can be for months at a time.

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