Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Valentines Day, tomorrow, 2024


Kasey and Julie Haws have made a mid-winter visit to Mink Creek. Now that the Haws/Engel family has grown up and expanded with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren interested in reliving memories of times spent in Idaho at the Haws home there is need for more frequent evaluations of readiness for the next occupants. Much of the Haws family are now dealing with that atmospheric river that is soaking up southern California according to weather reports.

Elliott Keller, the son of Jesse and Shauna Keller, is part of the C Team in the Preston High basketball program. Elliott is a Freshman. Keller is a long-standing name in this village and Jesse has ancestral roots from way back. This Keller family are fairly new residents in Mink Creek and are living in a home fondly referred to as “Aunt Ethel’s house” although it has gone through several occupants since that of Aunt Ethel Baird.

There is a list of residents that have taken advantage of these last few month to have surgery. New knees, mended backs, replaced shoulders and new hips have all been on the medical roster. It is hard to imagine the number of physical therapy hours that have accompanied these operations.

Dried green grass is not the choice of landscaping in mid February. Nor is the dryness of some of our hillsides. With a ‘main street’ that is several miles in length our village is experiencing rainy wet weather at the lower end of the community and snow banks at the upper end, north near Strawberry Canyon.

Snowmobiles are still having fun, but the area has to be selective. Winter hikers have to be a bit picky as well, avoiding paths that are more muddy than others. I refuse to call this ‘mud season’ because it is just too early to have that condition. I hope you all agree with me. Storms are still coming in—and going out. We still need the snowpack in our mountains, and it doesn’t take very many too warm days for it to be reduced.

Happy Valentines Day! Celebrate it whatever way works best for you---treats, cards, parties, etc. but whatever it is, feel the smile inwardly and outwardly. There are not many people who don’t need that feeling of acceptance and approval. Thanks for the reading!

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