Tuesday, April 30, 2024

May 1, 2024

 Happy May Day, Everyone!  In all the researching of the past that I do I have found that at the beginning of the 20th Century and for years beyond May Day was a time of big celebrations, at least in the farming areas.  They had a May pole, colorful streamers, danced around it.  Families gathered for a day of fun.  My guess is that it was a welcome day to take a break from the hard physical labor they put forth daily in order to survive and progress  with their neighbors.  

The last few nights have been beautiful with the full moon and a few cloud strips to serve as reflectors. Recently several of our residents were able to travel to an area in the United Stated where it was possible to observe the total eclipse of the sun with that same moon. Wynn and Cecelie Costley timed a visit to El Dorado, AR, and the home of their daughter Hannah and Spencer Singleton. The Kent and Tammy Beardall family made a trip to Oklahoma. Robert and Phee Crosland drove down to Texas, current home of their son Marco Crosland and his family. Most of our community enjoyed getting a smaller percentage of the eclipse here at home.

Emma Rasmussen, daughter of Trevor and April Rasmussen performed in the Bennett Cup vocal competition at Preston High School. She sang “It Might As Well Be Spring” and was accompanied by Judy Wilde. There was quite an “Emma Rasmussen Fan Club” in attendance that night to offer support and cheer. Congratulation on a performance well done!

Layne and Karen Erickson and their daughter Terrie McKay went to Logan for the blessing of the Erickson’s granddaughter. This tiny girl is the first child of Connie and Adam Westenskow. She was given the name of Emma Lynn Westenskow. Emma started her life as a preemie and it has taken a few months to be ready for this occasion.

Leon Loveland passed away in a motorcycle accident and his funeral was held in Mink Creek on April 20. He was buried in the Mink Creek Cemetery. His son Mike and a niece, Jamie  Osborne are residents.

There are blossoms on the apricot, peach and cherry trees, and wild plums. It makes for a fruity perfume in the outdoors. There are also sniffles and sneezes, as allergy season kicks into gear. With the snow receding there are more trails sufficiently dry for good hiking. We are hearing the roar of motorcycles rather than that of snowmobiles.

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