A day late, but considering that it was New Year's Eve, it doesn't matter.
The Community Christmas Party was held December 12. Friends and neighbors filled four long tables to enjoy the dinner. The menu was ham, cheesy potatoes, tossed salad, rolls and butter. The first course was an appetizer veggie cup that was front and center while the youth were serving the many plates of food. There was apple cider as a result of our fall party or wonderful Mink Creek water. Dessert was a scoop of peppermint ice cream and a brownie.
The program was a blend of Jesus and Santa, and nicely done from the stage of the recreation hall. Corey and Savannah Nielson, dressed in pj's and their kids, plus a couple of older “additions” started the narrative. Corey read the Christmas story from Luke and then they sang a duet “Silent Night,” with Terrie McKay at the piano. Anna Beth Olson led the group in singing Joy to the World. Exit Nielsons , and there was Santa, taking special notice of the Nativity set in the room as Kurt Iverson presented an appropriate poem. The woodshop of Clare Christensen had produced a wooden ornament imprinted with an image of the creche as a take-away favor for each family attending the event. This event helped with moving into the season.
Alan and Nelada White were guest speakers in a December meeting in the Mink Creek Ward.. Just before their mission where they served in Delaware. The Whites served as High Councilman and wife to the ward for three years and were involved in our community activities during that time.
The family of Glen Jepsen gathered in Mink Creek for his funeral on a cold but clear day. The four Jepsen children, Kerry, Jill, Jana, and Kyle and their families plus Glen's siblings who grew up in Mink Creek, Bruce, Dan, Marilyn and JoAnn were all able to be in attendance. After a beautiful service they met in the Mink Creek Cemetery and Colonel Glen Jepsen's military career was closed by a U. S. Air Force Honor Guard.
Shalayla and Carson Christensen have moved into the home of Carson's grandparents, Lyle and Ruth Ann Christensen. While the home has been in the remodeling stages the couple have been living with Brian Christensen, Carson's dad.
Royce and Lorraine Christensen spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Arizona with their son Kevin. The change to warmer temperatures was an added bonus.
A recent youth activity, simple but enjoyable, was when everyone shared their favorite hymn and then the group sang them. Everyone brought potluck treats for samples all around.
It's the last day of the year 2024. Mink Creek has had a lot of changes over the past 12 months. People moved in, people moved out. New houses built. Some activities in our cemetery with new residents. Hopefully this blog has helped to update you readers at least a bit. It is still a great place to live. If you have been fortunate enough to get a copy of the book “Women of Mink Creek” that Cecelie Costley, with sponsorship of the Relief Society, has compiled and edited, I hope you enjoy it. It has a historical flavor, but the contributors are women who are living in Mink Creek now, with some exceptions. That was the original plan but things branched out a bit as stories were submitted. Happy New Year to each of you.
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