Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, 2012

After much time spent repairing and doing the annual upkeep on equipment Haying season has started for our farming population.  The swathers are mowing from daylight to dark, parallel rows marching across the fields.  Given drying time, a turnover from the hay rakes and the baling machines will be put into action.  I love the smell of newly mown hay.
Darlene Travis and her three children have been here visiting her mother Dixie Bybee.  Darlene and her husband Jason moved from Preston to Meridian, ID, some months ago.
Izac Greene, son of Chad and Dawnell Greene was presented with a Certificate of Achievement  and his Faith in God award in the LDS Ward.  Izac has graduated from Primary and was ordained to the office of a deacon.
The Carl and Lenna Christensen family held their annual reunion at the Mink Creek Ballpark.  All the siblings were able to be there except LaMoine.  Three of them live here in Mink Creek, Lyle Christensen, Forrest and Patti Christensen, and Danita C. and Eldon Wilcox.  The out-of-towners were Vachele and Jay Higbee of Provo, UT,, Brad and Raeone Stuart of Bountiful, UT, and Vance and Connie Christensen of Vernal, UT.  Vance and Connie have moved back to the mainland after living in Hawaii for a few years.  Besides the siblings there are now quite a few third generation descendents that attend these reunions and join in the family fun.  It was planned for a three-day event but the weather turning chilly cut it short a bit.
Larry and Mary Jean Rasmussen have had family guests lately.  Three of Larry’s brothers have dome down from Washington state.  Lynden Rasmussen lives in Spokane.  Brent and Carol Rasmussen are located in Deer Park, along with Kaylan Rasmussen, who brought his son, Dan.  Larry and Mary Jean’s son, JR Rasmussen brought his little boy, William, up from Riverdale, UT. 

Our Naomi Wilde has celebrated her 97th birthday, June 6th.  It is always fun to have her home for the summer months, she does liven things up considerably.  Always has, always will.
Preston Call has been up from North Ogden, visiting friends in the area.  He is a financial planner and currently setting up an office of his own in Utah.  He felt very good to just be “back home” for a few hours.
The LDS Ward held their first summer night at the ballpark this past week.  It is a weekly get-together for several weeks during the summer and includes various sports:  baseball/softball, horseshoes, volleyball.  The littlest participants in the night enjoy the playground equipment. Refreshments are available and vary during  the schedule of evenings.  We have a good time and it provides some relaxation after the work day of summer.

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