Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 26, 2023


The Mink Creek Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held their annual ward conference this past weekend. Officers of the Preston North Stake were in attendance. Each member of the Stake Presidency spoke to the congregation, President Ronald Smellie and Counselors, Michael Romney and LaWrell Cook. In the second session the officers of the Stake Sunday School presented ways that the Come Follow Me program can enrich our lives and the Stake Relief Society gave members a copy of the proclamation, The Living Christ, and encouraged studying it in depth.

The conference was followed with a Linger Longer lunch of a potato bar with all the fixings, some salads and a variety of potluck desserts. The socializing was enjoyed by guests and local residents, a chance to become better acquainted.

The extended family of Keith and Karen Olson Tribett had a weekend family camp-out in Mink Creek. Karen and her siblings were raised in Mink Creek, daughters of John and Edith Olson. This gathering had all sorts of family fun, with games requiring physical activity as well as some for sitting around with plenty of good-natured competition. There were crafts and they had the whole baseball diamond at their disposal. A birthday party was a highlight for everyone. The dark nights full of starlight was a special treat where many of those attending live in lighted cities.

Brian and Jill Petersen have had some Utah family up to their ranch in Mink Creek. Jonia Jackson entertained her sisters, Julee and Jini, and her building project and various improvements are underway.

The LOTOJA bike race event chose a day of perfect weather for their ride up through Mink Creek and Strawberry Canyon and down into the Bear Lake Valley. Interested residents congregated at the side of the highway here and there to cheer the contestants on as they rode by.

The arrival of the first freeze put residents out to cover their squash, pumpkins, any growing item that might last a little longer. High on that list is the precious homegrown tomatoes. There is always hope of keeping the plants going as far into fall as possible.

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