Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 6, 2023


The community gathered to welcome the final return of Naomi Nelson Wilde to Mink Creek. The chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, located within easy walking distance of her home, was full to the brim. The event will be recorded as a funeral, but Naomi had told her sons that she would rather have a party and the feeling of joy shared expressed that feeling. She had lived most of her 108 years in this little village, raising her family and being a “farmer wife” with her husband Merlin. Her son Dean said her work ethic was one of the key things she passed on. As an early teen, aged 13, Naomi had assumed the role of the lady of the house when her own mother died, helping her father raise her younger siblings. Her zest for living continued throughout her long days as she chose exciting things from her ‘bucket list’: riding in a helicopter, a motocycle ride through Pocatello, riding a camel and an elephant. Naomi had a life well-lived and she was loved by those who knew her.

A welcome home took Jimmie and AnnaBeth Olson to Meridian, ID, when their grandson, Elder Charles Peterson returned from serving a mission for the LDS Church in the North Carolina, Raleigh, Mission. He is the eldest son of Dana and Charles Peterson and will now be starting his college education.

There is a brand new baby girl in the family of Jamie and Natalie Forbush. She was a little late in arriving, but was welcomed warmly on August 17. The Forbush family has been enjoying a visit from Elizabeth Bradley, one of Natalie’s friends who came to help out in these first few weeks of new baby in the house.

ReNea and Raphael Arnsworth enjoyed a weekend in Freedom, WY. They were attending a wedding for one of ReNea’s cousins and so it was a bit of family reunion time with beautiful surroundings.

Jonia Jackson has had frequent family visitors the last month. Her brother Tony and Diane Jackson and their daughter Miya came down from the area around Coeur d’Alene, ID. Jonia’s son John and his family flew over from Oahu, HA, and have had fun with family in the area.

Although much of the land here is still looking green thanks to excellent irrigation, the hillsides are tan and drying.  Up high there may be bits of leaves starting their fall costumes.  One can feel the change coming near,  grains being harvested,  last crops of hay.  Late nights, early mornings.  We have had some of the monsoon rains to perk things up a bit.  But we can hear the knocking of Fall at the door.

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