Tuesday, December 26, 2023

December 27, 2023


For the month of December, plus meeting in the Riverdale church, the Relief Society blended a lesson and activity, suitable for the month. There was much music. Danita Wilcox and Natalie Forbush performed a vocal duet, accompanied by Judy Wilde. A trio of Ericksons, Claudine E. McKague and Kristin E. Collins sang with Terrie E. McKay at the piano. The lesson was presented by Laura Cheney from the talk,“Love Is Spoken Here,” given by Elder Gerrit W. Gong at a recent church conference. Laura included a video of the song “And Can It Be?” done by BYU/Idaho University choirs and orchestra. With the “Be” in mind refreshments were some ‘’B” snacks: brownies, buttercups, blueberries, bananas, and each woman was given a container of bee honey labeled “Bee Kind.”

It is time for winter sports at Preston High School. Hazen Baird, son of LaRon and Liesa Baird is participating the wrestling program this year. This is an exciting step.

Like father, like son, Jared Egley is a pilot for Delta Airlines. Bryce Egley, son of Jared and Juli Egley, has been taking flying instruction. He is training with a school in St. George, UT. Bryce talks about his experience with a huge smile.

Raphael Arnsworth and ReNea Haddock , and his son Hawk, have recently returned from several days of the warmth and comfort of Costa Rica. Ocean, beaches, jungles, sunshine, ATV rides into beautiful country, the stuff dreams are made of. Then the return to Idaho and taking up the needed snow shovel, but glad to be home.

The neighborhood eagles are out and about, looking beautiful against the winter background and the clear winter skies. A nearby venison fatality on the highway has provided several meals and the local ravens wait for their turn “at the table.”

The last blog for 2023, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Boxing Day of 2023 are part of the past. There has been quite a few people come “home for the holidays.” Some were hoping for more snow than was the case this year. Even sleighriding needs a few more inches.

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