Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Happy New Year, 2024

 A flip of the calendar, or the touch of our phone, and the new year has arrived.  Cold and clear, but with hopes of a storm by the end of the week.

The Mink Creek ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had more than one reason to feel joyous this Christmas eve. They were able to hold their Sunday meetings in their own building, in their own chapel, and it was good. The ceiling repaired, was beautiful, and feeling unchanged, although there are photos of the process that prove it had taken place. Once again, gratitude was expressed to the Riverdale Wards for sharing their building while the improvements were being made.

On this special Christmas eve Sunday there was a baby to be named and blessed. The infant son of Jarin and Brynlee McKague was given the name Preacher J Hardy McKague. Grandparents LaMar and Claudine McKague of Mink Creek and Robert and Melissa Fehrenbacher of Idaho Falls were there to witness the occasion along with other family members and friends.

There has been much exchanging of neighbor gifts during this season. Treats, sweets, service, kindness has appeared in many forms, walks shoveled. All things good, and it has carried over past the official day.

Adam and Camene Haws and family came up from Sol Vang, CA for a white Idaho Christmas at the Haws home in Mink Creek. There was less snow than they had hoped for. No one expected an early melt near the end of December. A plus for the LDS ward, Adam was a soloist singing “Gesu Bambino” for the Christmas Eve meeting.

Laura Cheney and Cindy Hanson are taking a break, not exactly a vacation, in Utah. Their current employment status requires then to be in the Ogden area for a few months.

Even though we don’t have much snow depth there is plenty of evidence of wildlife in our midst. Some of those are the tracks of various animals as they find their way around the community. The deer trails run through the orchards, various birds and smaller animals make frequent visit to the feeding stations of our pets, and others nearly line up beside the livestock during feeding times.

I wouldn’t say we had a “green Christmas,” it was mostly white, but with a little rust around the edges. The snowmobile crowd seem to find sufficient amount to spend time in the canyons on weekends.

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