Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 29, 2024


What a season this is! Everyone is checking their outdoor thermometers regularly. Our village boundaries are long, about ten miles, and comparatively narrow. While it is cold and raining in the southwestern part of our community it will be cold and snowing at the northern end. It does keep things interesting, but perhaps not comfortable.

Long-time friends, Jeff Olson and Steven Westerberg, are local hikers and as they wander around mountains and canyons lately they have enjoyed both the bursting greenery and the remaining snow tucked up high.

Vickie Free joined her sister Kathy Jones and husband Austin Jones of Grace, ID, and some of the Jones kids for a family trip to the Orlando, FL, country. Good fun, some relaxation and shopping made for a good break before the growing and gardening season takes off with those demands.

Mink Creek is proud of their high school graduates for this year. Tom Henderson, graduating from Preston High is the son of Brady and Shoni Henderson. Tehya Nicholls, grand-daughter of Tom and Donna Nicholls, and Liberty Stanworth, daughter of Kaci Baldwin, graduated from Franklin County High School, all this past week. Congratulations are in order for these young adults.

Devin and Maria Flake and their son Jude came up from Utah to celebrate Devin’s birthday. Coming to see Maria’s mother, Lana Baird McCracken, is a continuing treat for the Flake family, particularly for Jude.

Our Young Women’s group had a great activity this month. They gathered at Bishop Paul McKay’s home for some lessons on car maintenance from one who had chosen that as his career. They played a game entitled, "Guess What the Indicator Light Means" and then learned first hand how to check for fluids. Another item for the evening was that of changing a flat tire, figuring out where the spare tire and the jack were, how to operate a car that wasn’t equipped with push buttons. It was a great hands-on car class.

A cloudburst visited Mink Creek on Saturday that went right along with the first paragraph. It hit in the middle of the village. Literally a torrent of water poured down and swept mud, rocks, planted seeds, etc with it as it headed to the base of our valley. On the ends of the valley the storm was less intense.

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