Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024


The cemetery was beautiful on Memorial Day and was filled with decorated resting spots. The work given by the Cemetery Committee is appreciated. For several years it has become a time to place a photograph of those who are deceased near their headstones and much of the history of both the community and individuals becomes shared in this undertaking. Some families made an extra effort to arrive as a group at the gravesites of loved ones to take family pictures.

There was a good turnout for the recent voting in the primary Elections. The women on the Election Board this year were Danita Wilcox, Lorraine Christensen and Lana Baird McCracken. All was in readiness for the arrival of voters.

The Hansen House was full of Hansens for the holiday. Wes and Heather Hansen were up from Ogden, UT, Dirk and Patricia Bowles and their son Robert and family from Fairview, ID. Perhaps more that escaped my notice.

The holiday weekend brought the Lewis and Clark Volunteers, Mountain Men group, for their traditional encampment at the Vernon Keller farm on the banks of Mink Creek. There was a full group this year with campers filling the open area. Some of the Keller family also came up from Utah to enjoy this event, Kelton and Denise Keller, Kaylene and Jeff Hill, Karla Jensen. Kim and Dianna Keller live on the Mink Creek farm.

A neighbor recently reported that she had “a fox in the hen house.” Literally,.  Of course, the results were not good for those hens or the neighbor. Living among wildlife has extra challenges. Another creature that has appeared on the local scene is a beaver who has been busy trying to build a dam in one of the irrigation ditches.

Joseph and Rebecca Jones were up from Herriman, UT, visiting our area. He grew up here, is the nephew of Vickie and Richard Free. His parents, Austin and Kathy Jones now live in Grace, but Joseph manages to come and share memories every so often.

Wildflowers are coloring up our slopes. Yellow lady slippers and Mules Earss, Purple and blue lupines, golden curly lilies. Of course there is the controversial dandelion. It is a pretty season. Noticeable as well is the evil Dyer’s Woad, an aggressive weed that has the capacity to spread like a fire.

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