Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 18, 2024


The Mink Creek Ward Relief Society started off the hot weather season with a barbeque dinner at the ballpark. It was advertised as an SOS get together, which might describe the emotions as the growing season gets underway. However the SOS stood for Sisters Only Social. The menu was chicken, prepared by Cecelie Costley, Dutch-oven potatoes by Robin Stephenson, tossed salad by Jonia Jackson and homemade huckleberry ice cream with rhubarb/strawberry pie by Margret Iverson. These women make up the Relief Society presidency. “Entertainment” for the evening was getting a chance to visit and the sharing of “food flops” that have been experienced in our own kitchens. Most of the flops were from the early years as brides, but flops can occur anytime and always provide humor with the proper attitude in hindsight. It was a perfect evening, About two dozen sisters attended.

The family of Clayton and Wendy Currie have moved to Honeyville, UT. They have three sons: William, Devlyn and Larien. A nephew, Christopher Wilkinson, may stay in the area.

Celina Crosland Groesbeck, her husband Jesse and their two daughters have moved to Worland, WY, Jesse’s hometown. The couple have been employed in the Boise area over the last year and a job opening close to family has given them this new direction.

The Crane trio, siblings, Bruce, Linda and Sheryl, were here for their annual greeting of spring in their hometown. Bruce has a Mink Creek home, the sisters live around Jerome. They share memories, hike the hills and soak up family connections and it is always of source of recharging tor the months ahead.

With summer months comes the awareness of rodeo activities in rural America. It is extra exciting for the Kerry and Lacey Christensen family this year. At the recent contest for rodeo royalty for the Famous Preston Night Rodeo that will be in a few months their daughters excelled. It was tough competitions. Jyllian Christensen was chosen as the Queen of the Rodeo and her sister, Greenlee was chosen as the Junior Queen. Congratulations, and a dream come true!

We are alerted to the likelihood of freezing temperatures for a couple of nights. It is one of those times when gardening becomes questionable. The big question being, “How do we cover the whole garden, just when things are getting a good start?”

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