Tuesday, July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024


Idaho State Highway crews have been hauling many truckloads of gravel to improve some of the parking areas off of Strawberry Road, aka State Highway 36, as it winds up Strawberry Canyon on its way to the Copenhagen Parking lot. This will be a big improvement for the snowmobile crowd during the winter months.

Kasey and Julie Haws and Lauren and Ken Nash and family members have started the summer run of Haws family visitors, most of whom come from California, throughout the whole year, but mainly the months of more reasonable weather. This group likely was laying the groundwork for others as they choose to spend days in the Idaho summer.

Marilyn (Jepsen) and Bob Godfrey have managed to stay here for a few weeks recently. Marilyn is the first daughter of the Freemon and Ada Jepsen family, growing up on Bear Creek Rd. The Godfreys live in Arizona.

With the recent formation of the Preston East Stake there are frequent callings being made in the eight wards making up the membership of the stake. Thus far two of the Mink Creek members in stake positions are Steve Baldwin as a High Councilor and Robert Crosland as the 1st Counselor to Tom Madsen in the East Stake Sunday School presidency.

Dr. Kurt and Margret Iverson , their son Conner, and an Iverson cousin, recently returned from a vacation trip to Scotland. The countries of Great Britain are just as green and beautiful as our own Mink Creek is at this time of year.

Our smaller creeks that flow into the Mink Creek waterway have dwindled in quantity of water with the recent hot temperatures. Most of them have shrunk with the snow pack meltdown a thing of the past.

People continue to report on spotting the Momma moose and her calf on their drives through Strawberry Canyon over to Bear Lake. She must be considering our forest as her home ground for now.

The Mink Creek July 4th was fun day, lots of people, particularly for a middle of the week holiday. More on that next week.

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