Monday, July 29, 2024

July 30, 2024


Carol and Richard Wall are settling in to enjoy her parent’s home, that of Larry and Lillian Hansen, while the Hansen take a trip to Scandinavia to explore their Danish roots. The Walls live in Salt Lake and enjoy the peace of the Mink Creek surroundings.

Mink Creek is welcoming another new family. James and Sydney Bowen and their three children Alex, Elliot, and Sydney. They are moving into the Two Creek Ranch House.

Matt Westerberg and his wife have spent some relaxing days at the home of his parents Terry and Wendy Westerberg. The beauties of Station Creek are perfect at this time of year and it is a different pace than their lives in the big city on the east coast.

Emalina Colvin, a daughter of JoAnn and Drew Ford, is here staying with her parents, assisting as they prepare to move and getting the Ford home ready to be placed on the market.

There are three other Mink Creek homes now looking for buyers. They are the Steve and Amy Baldwin home, the Reed and Penny Swann home, and the Kaci Baldwin home.

The Haws children brought their Dad, Karl Haws, up from California for a week of remembering his Mink Creek home. Their earlier years were spent in the Santa Barbara area, now several of the siblings live in Sol Vang. The plan was for the siblings to gather and, at last count, four of them had reported.

It seems fitting to have Cliff Keller to be the first high councilman assigned to the Mink Creek Ward since the organization of the new Preston East Stake. Cliff’s ancestral roots go back to the founding family of Mink Creek, that of James Morgan and Karen Valentine Keller. Teresa, Cliff’s wife, is a bonus to this calling.

We have had three power outages during this past week.  The first big lighting bang must have taken something out, or brought something in. The outages were various lengths of time, but it sure served as a reminder to update batteries in the lanterns that were feeble.  It always pays to have the old-fashioned candle, even the scentsy type break up the darkness.

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