Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024


We have had lightning, we have had rain, big gulps of it, we have had loss of power several times. The dryness has perked up a bit with the gift of the rain.

Elder Charles Iverson returned from serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the Philippines, Bacolod area. He spoke to the Mink Creek Ward of his experiences and testimony. He included moments of typhoons and long hikes. Charles is the son of Kurt and Margret Iverson and all of his siblings were able to attend as well as grandparents, Johnny and Jeannine Iverson of Mink Creek and Sharon Knapp of Mapleton. Relatives on both the Iverson and Knapp sides of the family gathered for the occasion.

The Allen and Pearl Christensen Family Reunion was held at the Mink Creek Ballpark. Robin and Joseph Francom of North Carolina combined attending the reunion with the graduation of their daughter from BYU/I in Rexburg. Dorothy and Larry Shears came from Denver, CO. With shorter distances of travel were Devin and Shaundeen Christensen from Layton, UT, Verneal Lowry from Tooele, UT, and Janna and Rod Small from Preston. A stormy wind with rain caused them to move from the park to the workshop of Clare and Linda Christensen for a more pleasant, drier gathering.

Jeff and Barbara Olson have received a mission call to the California, Oakland/ San Francisco Mission. They will be leaving in January and serving at the Visitors’ Center of the Oakland Temple.

Judy Wilde and Anna Beth Olson are called to serve in the Preston East Stake to use their musical talents. Anna Beth is the Music Specialist, and Judy, the Music Adviser.

RoZann and Tom Baker from Salt Lake City enjoyed a few days in Mink Creek’s relative coolness. RoZann grew up in Mink Creek, the daughter of Keith and Ramona Crane, on what is now known as the Two-Creek Ranch.

It has been rodeo weekend in the county and it is amazing how many people come home for this three day extravaganza. Parades every night,  the carnival, the hamburgers from the Rotary and Kiwanis service clubs, all part of the event. There are class reunions often held during this time, perfect since so many return for the fun and memories.

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