Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August 20, 2024


Jonathan Seamons, son of Jeff and Jennifer Seamons of Caldwell, ID, has been living in Mink Creek this summer, working a summer job to earn money anticipating a call to serve an LDS Mission. He has been called to serve in Brazil, Manaus North Mission, leaving in December. He will be speaking Portuguese. Both sets of his grandparents live in Mink Creek, Scott and Cathy Seamons and Joe and Kathy Jarvis.

Roxann and Wes Beutler of Dayton spent a few days here in the Hansen House. They felt this would be a good place for Wes’ s recuperation from recent knee surgery. Judging from their parking lot with additional vehicles, they had plenty of visitors for entertainment.

The family of Jody and Laural Janke drove down from Teton, ID, to spend a few days together having fun before the call of educational pursuits pull some of them elsewhere. Their son Keenan Janke had barely returned from serving a mission to the Barbados, Bridgetown, Mission, where he had been speaking French for the last two years. The family had a day at Lagoon, soaked up the festivities for the Famous Preston Night Rodeo, and enjoyed remembering when they lived in Mink Creek and were close to Bear Lake. Keenan will soon be headed to BYU in Provo and their daughter, Abi, will be in Salt Lake City with an extension of her nursing classes at BYU/I.

Elise and Jeff Hardy and their family, of North Ogden, came up for some days with her parents, Danita and Eldon Wilcox. Families visiting in the fall months seems to announce a change in the weather and the coming changes in family routines.

The frequent short, but intense, storms that have been popping up are causing some stress. Particularly for those who have houses under construction, or reconstruction. An open roof doesn’t shed much rain. Grain harvest struggles with dampness as well.

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