Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 27, 2024


Gardens are producing, a little erratic in their timing. But it has been that kind of growing season, the beginning started off with night freezes that knocked things askew and caused replanting, with hopes of no more freezes. There was a cloudburst or two that washed up planted seeds. Now we are saying welcome to the corn, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, etc. anything that made it through the gauntlet.

It has been Crane reunion time again in Mink Creek. Linda Shewmaker, Sheryl May, with a cousin, Lynette LaSan, gathered at the Mink Creek home of Bruce and Shauna Crane to remember childhood days together in this beautiful village.

Jeff and Barbara Olson enjoyed children visits from Andy Olson, his wife and their family from South Carolina. Jeff’s daughter Erica Olson came down from Alaska, getting in some time before the beginning of school at their homes far away.

With approaching fall Lin and Sharla McKay might be having less summer road trips and outdoor fun. They have been up in the Wallace, ID, they have made several river runs and not all on the same river, they have visited historic spots and had fun family outings.

The yellow school buses are rolling, filled with kids and drivers who are adjusting to new hours and new plans to extend into the next several months of their lives. This also includes the adults of our community who are connected with the school district in any way and the arrival of school days doesn’t make anything easier. There are still chores to be done and summer not quite over.

There are still reports of the wandering moose in Strawberry Canyon and around Copenhagen. Recently a buck deer collided with a vehicle one night on Highway 36. The creature received bruises and a broken jaw, at least, but he made it to a nearby resident's yard, away from the road, before collapsing and passing away a few days later.

If you are a fan of chokecherries it is time to be on alert. Some are getting ready for picking and the bird population works hard at getting their fill.

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