Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September 4. 2024

 I have always loved the month of September, even the way the word sounds.  I love the shift in the daily routine, school coming up, school supplies in the stores, harvests going on, winding down of hot days.  Getting ready for hunting season--I was raised in a hunting family, getting the hunting license and daydreams of a successful hunt. 

Enough about me,  I feel you should have an explanation as to why the usual Mink Creek news column isn't here this week.  We had another foul-up in the production of the Citizen.  Our editor took a trip,  articles had been sent to his email and I understand he had made arrangements to print a day later than usual with the company in Montana that sets up the paper.  However  the head honcho in this area, bypassed that and assigned the Pocatello paper editor to put it together---all well and good, except he didn't have access to our editor's email.  As a result nothing that the Citizen staff/writers had reported made the paper this week---the paper this week is filled with stuff from other locations, etc.---only our sports editor who became alerted to the situation as it was happening and she could send her stuff, raising a little dust as she did it, to include a bit about Franklin County, which is what we strive for.

This being the case the Mink Creek weekly news from this week will make print in the Sept. 11 edition, so I should not include it here.  I could give you the Out of Our Past column for this week, because, being dated, this is when it fits and it won't work for the following week.  I don't know if any of you readers are even interested in the historical columns I write.  Maybe you think history is boring...or something we can somehow change.

I just didn't want you to feel frustrated with nothing for today.  Hence you get the workings of my mind.

Feel free to make comments,  I always wonder who is reading and only a few of you claim to be signed up for the blog.  Thanks for the read.  Next week will be more "newsy."

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