Tuesday, September 24, 2024

September 25. 2024


The opening social for the Syringa Camp of the DUP was exciting and unusual. The members went to the Thomas Merc in Swan Lake. Perfect for their luncheon with choices like Merc burgers, taco salads and BLTs. Lorraine Christensen gave their lesson and then Kaarin, the owner of the Merc shared the history of Thomas Mercantile. It has been owned by 3 generations of the Thomas family and is a bit of a landmark for this part of our state. Ten DUP daughters and a guest, JoAnn Steele, enjoyed this afternoon.

The evening of observing that day of 9/11 was certainly a mixed bag for our community. It was a day of smoky air, but there was still an effort made to do the semi-annual roadside cleanup of our highway, particularly following the LOTOJA bike race that had recently passed through. About 30 volunteers offered their services. Along with the murkiness of the air, a storm moved in, providing rain and thunder and lightning. A tree on Thatcher Hill attracted a lightning bolt and set it afire. Vehicles with county firefighters arrived, but evidently felt it was beyond their reach. There was observation of the tree and its lightning trail, which lasted about an hour. The fire did not reach any of the homes or outbuildings in that area, we are happy to report.

The newest member of the Mink Creek Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Derek Ross Greene, the son of Robert and Taniesha Greene. Family and friends were happy to witness this event. He was baptized by his grandfather, Chad Greene at the Preston East Stake Center on September 14th.

Craig Larsen is now living with his daughter Cheryl and Mitchell Cowgill and their family in Rupert, ID. His health has improved, all his life has been in Mink Creek on the shores of Birch Creek and no doubt he will be missing these slopes as hunting season nears.

The leaves are getting a good start on telling us it is harvest time. Yellows, reds, bright greens on the trees mixed in with our evergreens is soul food. There is constant talk about bottling peaches and pears and applesauce. It is a working, but happy time of year.

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