It would be incomplete to not write just a bit of a recent tragedy in our community. I am speaking of the midnight fire that took the home of Phee and Robert Crosland during the early hours of January 31st. The Citizen has an article about this in last week's paper. The community and beyond are feeling some mourning over the loss of the home and all the belongings of the Crosland family and those who were renting their apartment, Laura Cheney and Cindy Hanson. At the same time we are so grateful that everyone escaped with their lives. There is also gratitude for the county fire department who kept the inferno from spreading further.
Plans for a winter cruise by Wynn and Cecelie Costley were canceled when circumstances placed Cecelie in the Huntsman Center in Salt Lake City. Cecelie is home now from the hospital after a month of unexpected challenges and amazing miracles. She says thank you for all of your prayers. They were felt and appreciated.
Some of the young men of Mink Creek and their leaders gathered at the home of Jay and Kristin Collins for both a demonstration and then a follow up experience of making cinnamon rolls. The Collins had owned a bakery in Vancouver, WA. One technique that was new to some attending was the handling of a rolling pin. The results of this evening was both tasty and fun.
Do we call the recent weather a February Thaw, or a False Spring? The warm days melting the icy surfaces, closed driveways and paths are becoming the source of puddles, all set to find their way to the creeks, then to Mink Creek proper and on to the Bear River. The terrain of our village is made up of slopes and literally flat spots are not frequent. Snow is welcome.
It seems we have need of a variety of repairs taking place in our community— the human physical type: a couple of broken legs, a broken arm, a shoulder, even some heads sporting a band-aid or two. These are on separate residents, not a combination.
Happy Valentine's Day! Because you read, I blog. Thanks for keeping me updated on the life in this place I love so much.
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