Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February 25, 2025


Did that beautiful Snow Moon bring this beautiful wet snow? For our valley and surrounding mountains every flake and drop will find a place over the next few months. It keeps coming, much better now than when the greening is taking place.

Adam and Camene Haws and their family are up from their place in Sol Vang, CA. Adam claims they brought the snow with them. His older brother, Kasey and Julia Haws are with us as well and they might make the same claim. Whatever, the welcome mat is out and even with the extra chores that come with real winter it is bringing smiles.

There have been a couple of changes in the Mink Creek Ward. Wynn Costley was released from his calling as the Executive Secretary and Trevor Rasmussen was sustained to fill that position. Corey Nielson was called to be the Ward membership clerk.

Bret Rasmussen offered his shop, a welder and some tools for a young men's activity with welding. Jesse Wilcox had some small tanks that the boys welded and painted to resemble the Minions from the movie Despicable Me. Their creativity will be displayed sometime in the future.

Finally, our youth were able to have snow activity, after some events have being canceled. Mid-February made it possible for their snow sledding night on the slopes of the Dan and Casey Christensen ranch, located near the mouth of Strawberry Canyon and having a bit more snow depth. Things started at 6 p.m., complete with a bonfire and various snowmobiles to pull sledders back to the top of the hill. Hot chocolate and cookies were waiting around the warmth of the fire. The slope was even lighted by some portable lighting, courtesy of Jesse Wilcox. It was a great night, fun with no injuries.

As of today, water is running off every roof, tree branches, shrub, anything that held snow or ice to be melted. Temperatures in upper 30's, 40's makes it so there is the constant sound of drip, drip, drip. It shouldn't be mud season yet. Perhaps this is a temporary break and that we will get more winter.

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