The youth of Mink Creek had planned to have a snowman construction party at the Mink Creek Ballpark for a winter activity. This month they resorted to plan B since there was insufficient snow at the ballpark to fashion even one snowman, and the weather was bitter cold. Adjustments were made, they moved indoors and played “ Do you want to build a snowman?”-- an original game patterned after the game “Burn Your House Down.” It all came together and a good time was had by kids and leaders. They topped off the party with hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls.
Ami Wilcox Fenton and some of her children came up from Tooele, UT, to have the house in readiness for her parents return from a lengthy cruise.
Maria Baird Flake, now living in Saratoga Springs, UT, came home to celebrate her birthday, bringing husband Devin and son Jude along for the party. They were able to be here several days, while Devin attended some business meetings in Idaho Falls. Maria is the daughter of Lana McCracken and the late Ronald Baird, growing up in Mink Creek.
Claudine and LaMar McKague and daughter Elsie traveled to Vancouver, WA, for a family gathering. The main event was the blessing and naming of the McKague's newest grandson, Henry Samuel McKague, tiny son of Samuel and Sierra McKague. The whole family, fourteen in number, from Utah and Idaho, shared a few winter days back in Vancouver, former home for the family.
There has been a winter activity for those interested in playing Pickleball. Spectators are as welcome as participants and all levels of ability have been welcome. No injuries reported but lots of fun and laughing, good for the winterized soul.
Chances are, if you have any Mink Creek connections, you already know of the consuming fire that took the home of Robert and Phee Crosland last week. All of those living there were able to escape, but everything was lost. There has been much about it on Face Book and The Citizen of this week carries an article and photo so it will only be mentioned here. Needless to say, our whole community is feeling both sorrow and gratitude at this time. Many decisions to be made as life goes forward.
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