Monday, February 17, 2025

February 17, 2025


A trio of McKays, Paul with his sons, Cody and Andy, spent some days in the Island Park area enjoying enough snow for snowmobiling. Cody may live in Arizona at this stage of his life, but that has not dampened his love of various winter sports. It is nice that he can fly into Idaho Falls, meet up with the others for a weekend of fun.

Eldon and Danita Wilcox have recently returned from a vacation, the kind that gets a priority spot on the well known “bucket list.” At the end of December they flew to Santiago, Chile, and boarded a cruise ship in Valparaiso. The cruise stopped at three Chilean ports, sailed through fjords and visited Magdelena Island where they walked among the penguins. From there it was a fun visit to Ushuaia, Argentina, the most southern city in the world and the end of the Pan Am Highway. Things heard of in geography classes were on the agenda: the Straits of Magellan, the Beagle passage, Caper Horn. Crossing Drake passage brought them to Antarctica and the Palmer Station with icebergs, glaciers, more penguins and whales. The beauty of winter reigns in Antarctica with tall steep mountains, snow and ice. Rounding the tip of South America brought them to the Falkland Islands and Argentina and Uruguay. They were able to see three LDS temples, one in each of the countries visited. Eldon and Danita felt Antarctica was the highlight of the month-long cruise but Iquazu Falls in Brazil was a close second.

The Syringa Camp of the DUP met at the home of Ramona Lower-Hatchett in the Narrows Estates for their February session. Lorraine Christensen presented a history of the settling of Santa Clara, down in Washington county of southern Utah. Fun songs were part of the entertainment. A new member, Peggy Hamilton, told the group how her husband was connected to the Parker family, that of famous Butch Cassidy.

We now have the appearance of a real winter, having received several inches of soggy snow. It is heavy and when it warms a bit slides of sloping roofs into a pile below. Icicles drip and lengthen when the temps drop, only to drip again the next day. Even with the work storms like this require, it feels good, reassuring, to have some winter weather.

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